Saturday, November 8, 2014

Hope to Die by James Patterson

After a numbing fall to the depths of disappointment with Cross My Heart (Alex Cross), the 21st installment in the Alex Cross series, bestselling author James Patterson returns with his most famous character in a sizzling sequel which will restore the confidence of the faithful in his skill as a master-storyteller, and earn him many more new fans. With his reputation as the world's most popular thriller writer at stake, Hope to Die is a high-risk gamble which will either bury the fiasco that was Cross My Heart (Alex Cross) or put the final nail in the coffin of a legendary fictional character, Alex Cross.

Which way will the scale swing?

Simply put, James Patterson seems totally unfazed by the rampant criticism with which Cross My Heart (Alex Cross) was received. This is apparent as the story continues in the same vein and in the same JP trademark short chapters. Patterson really surprised me by entering enemy territory with Marcus Sunday and his true-crime book The Perfect Criminal hogging the limelight in the introductory chapters. As the story progresses he captures in vivid details, though blurred at times by the necessity of the plot, the fate that befell the Cross family in Cross My Heart (Alex Cross). The picture becomes clearer with each new chapter, focusing on plot of the villain to wreak a final storm on Alex Cross while Alex is working on his own plan to unleash a befitting retribution.

Hope to Die (Alex Cross # 22) by James Patterson is explosive, riveting and enthralling with high-octane action sequences, superb dialogue and a fantastic storyline. Alex Cross is simply superb, as always, and the pain he feels comes right through the pages of the book. I have always loved the Patterson books for the simple reason that they are entertaining. Hope to Die is no different and I get hooked from the beginning. Pure habit forces me to flip to the last page and see how it ends. Hope to Die is one of the best Alex Cross novels, with an intimate and equal portrayal of all the main characters. With a climax that is both surprising and unexpected, a far cry from the frustration of Cross My Heart (Alex Cross), Hope to Die is one of James Patterson's best novels in a long time.

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